Time away from work can be extremely helpful for maintaining a good work-life balance. We, Hashtag Loyalty Private Limited (“Thrive”) encourage all our employees (“you” or “your”) to take time off when needed.

Vacations don't have to be trips to exotic places, but instead could be taking some time for oneself at home. We don't frown on people taking time off, but rather encourage people to take care of themselves and others by having some time away. If you notice that your co-worker is working long hours over a sustained period, you may want to let them know about this Leave Policy.

While working from home, time off might not seem as straightforward, but it is necessary all the same. We encourage teams to work with clients to plan for leave periods synchronised for the entire team so that they can use the time to recharge energy. This leave policy (“Leave Policy”) has been formulated in accordance with the provisions of the Maharashtra Shops and Establishments (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 2017 (“MSEA”).

General Guidelines

  1. Leaves shall be credited to employees at the beginning of each financial year. The leave calendar runs from 1 January to 31 December on a rolling annual basis.
  2. For those who join during the calendar year, leaves will be credited on a pro-rata basis, on joining. The next credit for such employees will be made only in January of the next calendar year.
  3. On separation from the organization, the departing employees’ leave balance may, subject to applicable laws, be adjusted against the un-served notice period, at the discretion of the management.

Leave Entitlement under law

As per the provisions of the MSEA, the employees shall be entitled to the following leaves:

Leave Type No. of days
Statutory Holidays* 8 days
Earned Leave** 18 days
Casual Leave*** 8 days
Maternity Leave**** 182 days

Thrive’s Leave entitlement

While the above leaves are prescribed by the MSEA, Thrive currently has an unlimited-leave policy in place. It's a policy that allows confirmed employees to take as much time off as they choose -- as long as the work gets done. But the policy on paid leave is not static, and we've changed the policy on leaves drastically in recent years.

Leave entitlement during Probation & Notice Period